Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Test Posting

Well, I'm new to this and this is my first posting. So, let's see how it looks.

I have been living in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn for the past ten years. However, it was until a few weeks ago, while taking a walk, that I noticed the many churchs in the neighborhood. Here are some the pictures I took.

This one below is on Fourth Avenue. It is kind of interesting because of the tower. Instead of the traditional bell, it has a clock. I'm not sure if services are still being conducted there as there are pest control warning notices on the windows and side entrances. See the picture below this one.

The warning notice has a skull and cross bone sign and it says: Warning: Keep Out, Posion.

The one in the picture below is also on Fourth Avenue, right across the street from the one above.

Here is another one. It is on Ridge Blvd. I think it's over a hundred years old.

It has nice stain glass windows.

This one is not located in Bay Ridge. It's actually in Manhattan's Chinatown. You can see the blue banner with Chinese characters on it.