Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It is the year of the ox. One horoscope article said that my luck this year is very bad and another one said that my luck this year is very good. Which one to believe? So far, things have been tough and it looks like it is going to be much tougher still.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Beginning

It's a new beginning and a historical moment. OK, now that we have finished with the cheering, when do we start making changes? The honeymoon will soon be over, let's make the best of it and do some real work.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A New Year

Yes, it is a new year and people kept asking me about my new year resolutions. I thought for 2 seconds and declared that I want health, peace and tranquility. What more can one ask for?

I have been down with a nasty cold for the past two weeks. On the morning of first dayof being sick, I thought I could tough it out and insisted on getting back to work. I regretted my decision the moment I got in onto the subway train. I was lucky enough to get a seat, but no matter which way I sat, my body was aching all over. I couldn't keep my eyes open and dozed off on my ride to work. Back in the office, I couldn't concentrate on my work and had to put my head down on my desk. I was having a fever and burning up inside. I sent out the few emails that I must sent, made the necessary telephone calls and decided that I should head back home when I still have the strength to do it.

Back home, I downed a few pills, dranked plenty of water and orange juice, put on three layers of clothing and buried myself under three layers of blanket and went to sleep. I had nightmares, came in and out of sleeps and 2 hours later found myself dranged in sweat. I pulled myself out of bed and stripped down to towel off. I changed my clothes and again put on three layers, drank two glasses of water and went back to bed. An hour later, again I found myself in sweat. I got up, stripped down, toweled off, changed clothes, and went back to bed again. After three rounds of sleep, I noticed that my body temperature had dropped and my fever had gone. Other than the sore from lying in bed for hours, the pain had also gone. This technique has never failed to get rid of a fever.

With the fever gone, I still had to battle the coughing and running nose for the next week and a half. The off the counter medicines do not seem to be too effective. A friend suggested that I should visit the doctor, but an appointment is a month away. Typical Manhatthan doctor. When I told the receptionist that I have been sick and should be examined soon, I was told to contact the hospital emergency room if it was a real emergency. Otherwise, I was informed that I should take the off counter medicines.

Well, I have been a bit better now. My nose does not run that much and I cough less, except when I am working at the office facing that big window that has a wide gap.

So, last week I attempted to paint a few figures. I wanted to paint the French Hussars from Strelets. The figures are nice even though the horse furnitures are wrong. I didn't mind too much.

I was hoping to paint them to depict the Second Hussars. I like the trumpeter figure very much and selected it to be the first figure to be painted. I used the Andre Jouineau French Hussars book as reference and the figure below was my almost finished product.

It was only then that I checked with a color reference on a web site and my Ospray book, and realized that the blue should be a sky blue and not a royal or dark blue. You can imagine how frustrated I was. So, after a few coughing fits and cursings, I decided to repaint the blue into a sky blue. Below is the result after the correction. The figure is not done yet. I still need to add in and touch up on a few details.