Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Napoleonic Fusilier-Grenadier

A while back, I thought the figures of Armies in Plastic Inc. might be too toy like. So, I never bought any of their products until last year, by chance, I purchased a box of their 2nd Foreign Regiment-Infantry Regiment d'Isenbourg Voltigeur - 1812. Here is my interpetation or painting conversion of one of its figures to a Fusilier-Grenadier. The job is not completed yet, but I want to see how it looks in picture. I think it turns out better than expected.

Some statistics on foreign students in the U.S.

According to the October-December 2008 General Summary Quarterly Review of the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) managed by the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), South Korea is the country with the highest number (110,083) of active students in the U.S. This is followed by India and then China and Japan.

The leading major for foreign students is Business (with 145,873 foreign students studying in this area). Engineering comes second place and Computer & Information Science & Support Services is only the fourth popular area of studies. Health Professions & Related Clinical Services is in the fifth place with less than 40,000 foreign students.

California (122,156), New York (91,820), Texas (54,144), Massachusetts (36,553), Illinois (32,022) and Flordia (32,612) have the highest number of active foreign students, making up 51% of all active students in the U.S.

Of all the active foreign students in the U.S., 69% of them are enrolled in post secondary academic programs, with over 200,000 foreign students in Bachelor's programs, about 175,000 in Master's programs, and about 110,000 in Doctorate programs.

As of December 31, 2008, there were 9,609 DHS (ICE) approved schools and 1,434 J-1 (Academic Student) Exchange Visitor programs. Of ICE approved schools, there were 690 in New York State and 1,203 in California.

Cornell University (3,627), Houston Community College System (2,976), Santa Monica College (2,924), are the top three F-1 and M-1 approved schools with the most number of active foreign students.

The City University of New York (11,621), University of Southern California (6,549), Purdue University (5,770), and Columbia University (5,605) are the top four F-1 approved schools with the highest number of active foreign students.