Thursday, October 11, 2012

Recent Readings

 Just finished reading Sharon Kay Penman's Dragon's Lair, a book given to me by a friend.  It's a good, interesting fast read.

Now, I am re-reading parts of Matthew Cooper's The German Army 1933-1945 for the Nth time.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Assorted Pictures

Manhattan architecture: Former New York City Police Headquarters at 240 Center Street, New York, New York, from 1909 to 1973.  In 1988, it was converted to luxury condominiums known as Police Building Apartments and is now a designated New York City Landmark.  It used to hold and process New York's criminal suspects, now it houses New York's super-rich.

Chinatown celebrates the Nationalists' founding of the Republic of China based on the WuChang Uprising on October 10, 1911.

Hair salon in Chinatown: What it really means to say is "Messylook,"  which is the current style in fashion. The literal translation of the Chinese words is roughly, "cutting in a disorganized way."

Seagulls at a beach in South Jersey.