Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Confederate Soldier from Toy Soldiers of San Deigo American Civil War Set #1

This is perhaps the best figure in the set. Just look at that face, full of expression.

This is my interpretation of the figure with it painted up.

A close-up of the face. My paint job does not do it justice. I failed to bring out that old grumpy full-of-contempt look on his face. If you look closely, you can see that he has a cigar stub at the corner of his mouth.

My paint job on the figure looks a bit better from the front. I tried to weather his trousers a bit to give it a worn and torn look.

Instead of a usual tin canteen, I painted it brown to make it looks like a wooden one which was also common, according to my reference book.

The figure was painted with artist acrylic paints and Tamiya modeling paints. The paint job on this figure is not finished yet. It has been fun and the figure was a joy to paint.

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