Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween & Afrikakorps Anti-tank Gun Crew

Tonight is Halloween. A few days ago while I was walking down Ridge Blvd., I saw the Halloween lawn decoration below. Very creative.

This is a flying witch on a vaccum cleaner. With a strong wind blowing the black plastic cloak, it could look quite scary at night.

This is suppose to be a headless man with his head floating next to his body. The head is suspended by a wire and bounces when the wind blows. It looks amazing at night in the dark.

I finally found time to paint the WWII Afrikakorps Pak36 anti-tank gun crew. I took these pictures in the bathroom as it seems to be the only room in my apartment that has the best lighting. The paint job on these figures are not entirely done yet, but I want to see how they look through a camera's lens. Here is the officer pointing. I used Tamiya and artist arylic paints on the figures. I deliberately painted his shorts German Field Grey to add some variety to the set.

Here is the gunner with the standard M1940 desert yellow shirt, shorts and first pattern short ankle boots. On his head is the standard M1940 peaked field cap.

This guy is wearing all standard regulation issued Afrikakorps uniform, except for his tie and webbing anklet.

Here is the loader wearing continential field grey breeches. Perhaps M1940 desert yellow breeches supplies have run out. I have not painted the artillery shell he is holding yet.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Blossom

I had my regular visit down in South Jersey this past weekend. It was nice to see the flowers at the front of the house have begun their Autumn bloom.

Are they blooming in memory of my mother, who planted them many years ago and passed away three years ago this month?

My birthday, my father's birthday and my sister's wedding anniversary are all in this month too.

I lost track of time doing some last minute painting of the window frames and had to take a late bus back to New York.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pak36 Redux & Zulu War British Mounted Infantry

How to relax after dealing with all the headaches in the office? Why, putting togther the HAT Pak36, of course. Here's the Pak36 anti-tank gun for the famed Afrika Korps.

Here's another shot of it from the right front side. It's hard to believe that it's 1/72nd scale in size.

Here's the Zulu War British Mounted Infantry set that I also got the other day. The nice front box art.

Here is the illustration on the back of the box.

A box contains three identical sprues of 6 soldiers of different poses (3 mounted) and four horses.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

HAT's Pak 36

Last week, I had some appreciative clients. It looks like I am not so lucky this week. I'm rather tired of some of the clients and the office. Tired of being blamed on everything, whether it was my fault or not. Tonight, I am going to take refuge in the HAT set PAK 36 that I purchased yesterday.

Here is the box art.

Instructions on the back of the box.

The box contains four sets of Pak 36s and crews.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Appreciative Clients: A Loving Daughter & A Caring Mother

Last week, two appreciative clients came by to thank me. One client, I have represented since 2001 and finally completed her case a few months ago. She was about to go to the Phillipines and came by to thank me before leaving the next day. She hasn't seen her parents for almost 14 years. She is now going back to see them, both of her parents are now elderly. She initially planned to go back in December, but decided that she shouldn't wait any longer as her parents are not getting any younger. She told me that she has been saving a portion of her income and each month wired it to her family in the Phillipines. She is a nice person and a loving daughter.

She took me out to lunch and we chatted for a long time, talking about her plans for the future. We have become good friends and it is clients like her that makes my practice enjoyable.

I had to go back to work and she had shopping to do; she is buying her family presents. So, she promised she will come by to see me again when she returns. For someone who have gone through a lot of adversities, she is a remarkably optimistic person.

Another client who recently arrived in NYC came by to thank me for the work done on her case. She is a relatively new client and her plans for her children almost got unravelled by the government's erroneous application of the law. It could have deprived her children a very important and valuable once-in-a-life-time opportunity. She could have given up, but she fought on for the sake of her children's future. Fortunately, a few hours of legal research followed by a series of letters and emails straightened things out. She gave me this present, from her company's inventory I believe, as a token of her gratitude. It's a nice Chinese snuff bottle, beautifully painted.

Here is the box. These things usually don't come in such boxes. She must have searched high and low to find a container for the snuff bottle. The "lock" of the box apprently has lost. So, she use a piece of rope to tie it up. I like it all the same.

Here's the bottle in the box.

Here is one side of the bottle, showing a scenic painting. The painting is done by hand inside the bottle. It's a traditional Chinese arts and craft.

Here is the other side of the bottle, showing another scene perhaps a herder with his goats. Simply marvelous.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Down with a cold

Last Friday was mother's third anniversary of her passing. So, I stayed at my sister's home and went to the cemetary on Saturday. Even though it's a Catholic cemetary and we are no longer traditional Chinese, I still brought a packet of "555" cigarettes for father and a peanut snack for mother. They were their favorites. I missed them.

My nieces were both down with a cold. After spending two days with them, I started to feel miserable on Monday night. My throat felt funny on Monday night and on Tuesday morning I began to have a running nose. This makes me realize how weak my immue system is. I have a lot of work this and next week, so taking a day off is quite impossible. Actually, I might have to go to the office to do some work over the long weekend.

I can't even get up a bit late. Tomorrow, I have a case in Garden City at 7:30 AM. Yes, that's 7:30 AM. Why on earth the government schedules a case for 7:30 AM at a place far from the NYC is beyond me. I stopped asking such questions many years ago. Nowadays, I consider this as just part of the job.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Central Park & Viking

It was raining lightly last Sunday when I went by Central Park. Desipte the rain, the horse and carriage business was still operating.

Here's another one. Pretty little things, aren't they? Makes me want to finish painting and putting together my Imex 1/72 Stagecoach.

The stagecoach will take me a long time to complete, but for now I can show you my 54mm Conte Collectible Viking that I painted a few years back. A bit of paint had chipped. I will do some touch ups on it some other time and re-seal it properly this time.