Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Down with a cold

Last Friday was mother's third anniversary of her passing. So, I stayed at my sister's home and went to the cemetary on Saturday. Even though it's a Catholic cemetary and we are no longer traditional Chinese, I still brought a packet of "555" cigarettes for father and a peanut snack for mother. They were their favorites. I missed them.

My nieces were both down with a cold. After spending two days with them, I started to feel miserable on Monday night. My throat felt funny on Monday night and on Tuesday morning I began to have a running nose. This makes me realize how weak my immue system is. I have a lot of work this and next week, so taking a day off is quite impossible. Actually, I might have to go to the office to do some work over the long weekend.

I can't even get up a bit late. Tomorrow, I have a case in Garden City at 7:30 AM. Yes, that's 7:30 AM. Why on earth the government schedules a case for 7:30 AM at a place far from the NYC is beyond me. I stopped asking such questions many years ago. Nowadays, I consider this as just part of the job.

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