Sunday, November 16, 2008


In ancient times, believers went on pilgrimages to holy places to worship God. In modern times, children and their parents go to Disney World and Disneyland to meet their beloved cartoon characters.

My first trip to Disney World was about 18 years ago with my parents, my aunt and her entire family from UK--about 13 people altogether. This is my second trip. The famous gothic castle still stands and the characters are still as popular as ever, but we have all changed.

The hosts of the castle--Mickey and Minnie. Dare to dream was the theme of the show.

Pirates of the Caribbean is a new theme. It has a nice ride.

On the African boat ride. Watch out, the crocs are coming!!
The late afternoon parade. Here comes Cinderella in her pumpkin carriage.

Here's Belle and Beast.

I'm not sure who are these two, but I bet my two nieces know.

Here is a classic character--Donald Duck.

The castle at night.

Viking house in Epcoy Center.

Epcoy Center at night.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day & Afrikakorps Pak36 Anti-tank Gun

We have a President-Elect. Let's hope he can lead us to a better future.

I was watching the election results on the television and Internet while painting my Afrikakorps figures. Here they are unbased.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Yellow Rose, Agincourt and Saxon Warrior

I was in South Jersey last Saturday and noticed that there was still one more rose on the bush. Beautiful. I know I have said it before, but this has to be the last rose of this year. The weather is getting cold and I doubt there would be another one.

On the other hand, these are in full bloom.

Here is another figure that I painted months ago. This is Guillaume de Martel, Sire de Bacqueveille at Agincourt. I followed the color plate of him on page 58 of Ospray's Campagin Series: Agincourt 1415. Here, Guillaume de Martel is wearing a yellow surcoat emblazoned with his arms--three red hammer gules. He was the bearer of the Oriflamme at Agincourt, but killed in action and the banner was lost. I will have to scratch build the Oriflamme for this figure.

Here is a figure from a different period. A Saxon warrior carrying a round shield and a war axe.

Here is the figure from another angle. Kind of displaying a heroic stand when shooting the picture from a low angle. I painted the cross on the shield free handed. First, I used a fine tip designer marker to outline the cross, then painted the shield with arcylic paint and brush. It was my first attempt to paint shield patterns.