Monday, November 3, 2008

Yellow Rose, Agincourt and Saxon Warrior

I was in South Jersey last Saturday and noticed that there was still one more rose on the bush. Beautiful. I know I have said it before, but this has to be the last rose of this year. The weather is getting cold and I doubt there would be another one.

On the other hand, these are in full bloom.

Here is another figure that I painted months ago. This is Guillaume de Martel, Sire de Bacqueveille at Agincourt. I followed the color plate of him on page 58 of Ospray's Campagin Series: Agincourt 1415. Here, Guillaume de Martel is wearing a yellow surcoat emblazoned with his arms--three red hammer gules. He was the bearer of the Oriflamme at Agincourt, but killed in action and the banner was lost. I will have to scratch build the Oriflamme for this figure.

Here is a figure from a different period. A Saxon warrior carrying a round shield and a war axe.

Here is the figure from another angle. Kind of displaying a heroic stand when shooting the picture from a low angle. I painted the cross on the shield free handed. First, I used a fine tip designer marker to outline the cross, then painted the shield with arcylic paint and brush. It was my first attempt to paint shield patterns.

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