Saturday, August 9, 2008

Arch, Firehouse and Chinese Building

Most of us have busy lives and we are always on a rush to get to somewhere. Sometimes, it is nice to slow down, stop and take a look. You may find that there are a lot of interesting buildings and structures around. Below are some interesting landmarks.

This is the Soldiers and Sailors Arch of the Grand Army Plaza at Prospect Park. The structure, designed by John H. Duncan, is very majestic and similar in style to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. It is erected to commemorate the victory of the Civil War. On top of the Arch is the Quadriga, the four-horse chariot. It's very similar to the one on top the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin, Germany, which has Victoria, the Roman Goddess of Victory, in the chariot. However, it is Columbia, the symbol of America, who is in the chariot at the Grand Army Plaza. The two sides of the chariot are each flanked by a winged Victory. Down on the structure of the Arch are two more groups of sculptures called the Spirit of the Army and Spirit of the Navy designed and added on by Fredrick MacMonnies. Simply marvellous!

This beautiful firehouse is located in downtown Manhattan. It no longer houses fire-engines, but now serves as the home of Downtown Community Television station. It was also once the home of Democracy Now!

The location of this building is pretty obvious. It is very eye-catching and kind of uniquely standing there alone among other buildings, reminding passers-by that they are in Chinatown.

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