Monday, August 4, 2008

More Churches

I came across more churches last Sunday. Here is Our Lady of Perpetual Help between 59th and 60th Streets on Fifth Avenue. It is huge. The entire church compound, consisting of the church building and a school, occupies the entire avenue block between two streets. It's like a medieval castle. It's built on a slightly raised ground very similar to a motte.

In this picture you can see how long the church is.

The church building is also tall. It's tower is like a castle keep and is very imposing.

This is the school at the back of the church compound facing Sixth Avenue. It gives you a sense how wide is the church compound. It stretches from 59th Street to 60th Street.

A half-cylindrical turret on the side of the church building provides excellent defensive position. Imagine archers shooting arrows from the turret's windows.

Another view of the keep.

Another view of the turret.

The brick wall is similar to a medieval curtain wall protecting the bailey.

Here is a smaller Lutheran church on 59th Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues. It has an interesting entrance.

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