Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pak36 Redux & Zulu War British Mounted Infantry

How to relax after dealing with all the headaches in the office? Why, putting togther the HAT Pak36, of course. Here's the Pak36 anti-tank gun for the famed Afrika Korps.

Here's another shot of it from the right front side. It's hard to believe that it's 1/72nd scale in size.

Here's the Zulu War British Mounted Infantry set that I also got the other day. The nice front box art.

Here is the illustration on the back of the box.

A box contains three identical sprues of 6 soldiers of different poses (3 mounted) and four horses.

1 comment:

Professor Furpants said...

Are the infantry pieces PVC or resin? I'd love to see them built and painted!